

1. Ways of Knowing

1.1 Literary and Aesthetic Ways of Knowing

Literary and aesthetic ways of knowing includes 3 credits of coursework in either literature or arts.

  • Requirement: One three-credit course in literature or arts.
  • Level: 100-300
  • Sequence: Recommended for any semester during the first or second years.
  • Course Proposal: Courses appropriate to the course learning objectives and level designations are proposed by faculty in departments with disciplinary expertise in arts and literature, approved by General Education Committee and Curriculum Committee, and reported to the Community of Educators for information and review.

Literature/Arts Course Objectives

By the completion of the course students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Reflect on the nature, methods, and purposes of artistic/ literary expression. (Knowledge of the World)
  2. Recognize the capacity of art/literature to provoke thought, grow the imagination, and deepen an understanding of the world (or self and others).  (Knowledge of the World)
  3. Think creatively by engaging original questions, ideas, or forms. (Critical and Creative Thinking)
  4. Explore literature/art as a means of inquiry that conveys truths. (Critical and Creative Thinking)
  5. Articulate connections between Christian faith and the arts/literature. (Christian Faith)