

1. Ways of Knowing

1.2 Cultural/Humanistic Ways of Knowing

Cultural/Humanistic ways of knowing includes 12 credits of coursework in language, history, and philosophy or religion.

Language Course Objectives

  • Requirement: Two levels (6 credits) of the same language or its equivalent.
  • Level: 100
  • Sequence: Recommended in year one and continued in the semester that follows.
  • Course Proposal: Courses appropriate to the course learning objectives and level designations are proposed by faculty in departments with disciplinary expertise in language study, approved by General Education Committee and Curriculum Committee, and reported to the Community of Educators for information and review.

By the completion of the course students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Communicate in written form at the novice level in the target language (Knowledge of the World)
  2. Communicate orally at the novice level in the target language (Knowledge of the World)
    *Modern Languages Only
  3. Demonstrate cultural knowledge and competence at the novice level (Knowledge of the World)
  4. Articulate connections between Christian faith and language study. (Christian Faith)

History Course Objectives

  • Requirement: One three-credit course in history.
  • Level: 100
  • Sequence: Recommended for any semester during the first and second years.
  • Course Proposal: Courses appropriate to the course learning objectives and level designations are proposed by faculty in departments with disciplinary expertise in history, approved by General Education Committee and Curriculum Committee, and reported to the Community of Educators for information and review.

By the completion of the course students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Explain the historical diversity and developments of ideas, people, culture, social life, material conditions, and religious practice over time and space (Knowledge of the World)
  2. Conduct basic historical analysis of primary and secondary sources pertaining to US/European society. (Critical and Creative Thinking)
  3. Communicate historical analysis in effective forms of communication. (Knowledge of the World)
  4. Describe the methods of inquiry that lead to historical knowledge. (Critical and Creative Thinking)
  5. Articulate connections between Christian faith and historical reasoning. (Christian Faith)

Philosophy Course Objectives

  • Requirement: One three-credit course in philosophy or religion.
  • Level: 100
  • Sequence: Recommended for any semester during the first and second years.
  • Course Proposal: Courses appropriate to the course learning objectives and level designations are proposed by faculty in departments with disciplinary expertise in philosophy/religion, approved by General Education Committee and Curriculum Committee, and reported to the Community of Educators for information and review.

By the completion of the course students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Discuss the work of significant philosophical thinkers. (Knowledge of the World)
  2. Analyze historical philosophical problems and their relation to contemporary thought. (Knowledge of the World)
  3. Compose logical arguments by analyzing assumptions, evaluating context, and identifying potential flaws and gaps in reasoning. (Critical and Creative Thinking)
  4. Describe methods of inquiry that lead to philosophical knowledge. (Critical and Creative Thinking)
  5. Articulate connections Christian faith and philosophical reasoning. (Christian Faith)

Religion Course Objectives

By the completion of the course students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Discuss the role religions play in shaping individual identity and self- understanding of adherents. (Knowledge of the World)
  2. Identify relationships between religion and culture at the local, national, and transnational levels. (Knowledge of the World)
  3. Articulate the traditions and methods of the study of religion. (Critical and Creative Thinking)
  4. Discuss ways that Christianity relates to other faiths. (Christian Faith)