


Faculty Bookshelf

A book by Dr. Joseph Huffman on the medieval city of Cologne


Joseph Huffman

Book by Professor John Fea on the study of history


John Fea


Book by David Pettegrew


David K. Pettegrew 


Sarah P. Myers 

Book cover of Earning their wings

Paul Rego

Paul Rego

Cover of book titled The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology

David K. Pettegrew, with W.R. Caraher and T.W. Davis, eds.


The Evangelical Road to Donald Trump

John Fea


Joseph Huffman's book on the imperial city of Cologne

Joseph Huffman

Crossroads of the Mediterranean World

David K. Pettegrew


A History of the American Bible Society

John Fea


Perspective of Political Representation: How Citizens Evaluate Their Representatives (Palgrave MacMillan, 2014)

Robin Lauermann

David K. Pettegrew, with W. Caraher and R.S. MooreArchaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town

Lessons from the Anglo–Gorkha War (1814–1816)

Bernardo A. Michael

was america founded as a christian nationJohn Fea

the way of improvement leads home John Fea

Indian Metropolis

James B. LaGrand


The Social POlitics of MedievalJoseph P. Huffman

family commerce and religion Joseph P. Huffman