


What is Expected of Supervisors?

We expect you to provide career-related work experiences that are of sufficient challenge to college-level students. In addition to providing work that contributes to your organization's mission, we also hope you actively 色综合久久 the student's learning endeavor. Someone who has a heart for the professional development of others should be assigned to supervise the student. That person will need to:

  • Provide a clear job/project description for the work experience
  • Orient the student to the organization, its "culture," and their work assignment(s)
  • Assist the student in developing/achieving personal learning objectives
  • Offer feedback to the student regularly
  • Complete formal written evaluations at the mid-point and conclusion of the work experience. These comments will directly impact the student's internship grade.
  • Be open to hosting an on-site visit from the Internship Faculty sometime during the work term.

When a student registers for academic credit to intern at your site, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to an agency agreement. Please return the signed and dated agency agreement to us.

The student is automatically covered under the college's general liability insurance with an academic internship. Regarding liability issues, we 色综合久久 the  (otherwise known as 'Hold Harmless Agreements') approved by the Cooperative Education and Internship Association.

Virtual Internships - Successful Elements

Employers are offering more internship opportunities for students to work remotely. These situations can be done well or poorly. Please read this one-page document to help you think through some issues related to a virtual internship.

Must an Internship Be Paid?

If your organization is a for-profit business, compensation is expected and virtually mandated by federal regulations. Many students work their way through college and often give up a part-time paid position to take an internship, so receiving some form of remuneration is appreciated. If your organization (for-profit or non-profit) cannot offer a regular wage, consider helping the student with a stipend or internship-related expenses such as parking fees, mileage, meals, etc.

Unpaid student employment will not violate the U.S. Department of Labor's Fair Labor Standards Act if it is a training program that meets the following criteria:

  1. The training should be similar to that given in a vocational setting
  2. the experience is for the benefit of the student
  3. students do not displace regular employees
  4. the site sponsor provides the training and receives no immediate advantage from the activities of students
  5. students are not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period
  6. the site sponsor and student understand that the student is not entitled to wages for the time spent in training.

Many employers ask how much they should pay students. The wage range for 2017-2018 was $6.50-$32.00 per hour. The median wage rate is $13.50 per hour. Check out this infographic - .

If your business would like to contribute to the Clifford & Carole Jones Public Service Internship Fund, please contact Ashley Jones at ajones@messiah.edu. The fund assists students who are not eligible for other forms of financial aid and are interning in non-compensated, public service-oriented positions.