

Storm Water and Sewage Improvements

July 21, 2010 -

New storm water system has been installed from the loading dock of Campus Center around the rear of the Sports Center out to Collge Avenue.  This work included increasing the size of the underground pipe to accommodate more storm water.  As part of this project the Sports Center parking lot has been repaved.

June 2010 -

Update forthcoming.

May 2010 -

The new drainage system has been installed behind Eisenhower Campus Center (ECC) and Sollenberger Sports Center (SSC).  The contractor will be black topping the whole parking area May 28, 2010 in these areas.  Work will continue down College Avenue towards the site of the Old Schoolhouse.

April 2010 -

This project is to improve storm water flows and correct some issue with sewer piping infrastructures.  There are several areas on campus that will be excavated so that these enhancements can be made.  These areas are the following: behind North complex leading down to Sollenberger Sports Center; the area in front of Bertram House up to Grantham Road; the area behind Eisenhower Campus Center and area in front of Eisenhower Campus Center going down to Old Main.


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