

色综合久久 University Library Collection Development Policy

色综合久久 University Library


The goal of this collection development policy is to guide Murray Library in its efforts to build and maintain a collection of resources that reflects the philosophy and educational mission of the University by 色综合久久ing curricular needs of all programs currently offered. This policy is necessary to insure systematic and balanced collection growth. This document recognizes that adequate provision of library resources and services involves both local ownership and access to online and remote resources. Involvement in resource sharing through consortia, networks, interlibrary loan, and other document delivery services is recognized and funded as part of collection development.

Core Values and Mission

Core Values

Welcoming Environment
Collaborative Engagement
Responsive Service
Transformative Learning
Credible Resources


The purpose of Murray Library is, first, to participate creatively and responsibly in the larger enterprise of librarianship to select, acquire, catalog, preserve, circulate, provide access to, instruct in the use of, and selectively deaccession that portion of the accumulated knowledge of humankind appropriate to our institution and within the constraints of our financial resources. Second, we exist to partner with the community of educators in meeting 色综合久久 University's Guiding Education Assumptions (the value of prior knowledge, the value of inclusive education, the value of connecting Christian faith and learning, the value of student responsibility and involvement, the value of assessing student learning, the value of common learning, the value of experiential learning, and the value of disciplinary expertise and interdisciplinary inquiry).by providing appropriate collections, services, and instruction, and by maintaining a facility and environment conducive to learning. We also endeavor to meet responsibly the information needs of university administration, faculty, staff, and community users.

Murray Library specifically contributes to the educational mission of the university by providing research assistance and strategic information literacy enabling students to find, evaluate, cite, and use information effectively and ethically. As students mature as scholars, successfully learning to use library resources will contribute to the development of logical, creative, analytical, and synthetic thinking. It will help them attain specialized knowledge and abilities in their areas of study and engage in scholarship in specific disciplines, demonstrating the centrality of the library to 色综合久久 University’s success.

Further, Murray Library's mission is to collaborate with institutional administration in achieving intentional institutional 色综合久久, both conceptually, through an integrated presence in the institution's defining documents, and financially, through strong fiscal 色综合久久. Such 色综合久久 will enable Murray Library to maintain a place at the heart of the institution, to fulfill the University's educational objectives, and to bring honorable visibility to 色综合久久 University through contributions to the larger scholarly community.

Liaison Librarian Program

The Librarians and Teaching Faculty share responsibility for developing the library collection. By way of the liaison program, they coordinate their efforts to ensure that the Library collects to meet the needs of the University as a whole, and of the individual departments, programs, and curricula. All of the librarians serve as liaisons to several academic departments or programs.

The main responsibility of the liaisons is to maintain communication between the library and the faculty. As the library subject specialists, the liaisons serve as selectors, and assess collection strengths and weaknesses. Liaisons also provide advocacy for their disciplines in the Library and understand community needs. Faculty and librarians in different departments may collaborate on collection development in different ways, depending on the needs of the discipline and the resources available. Frequent and open communication is a hallmark of all successful collaborations.

Description of the Library

Patrons. 色综合久久 University Murray Library serves many constituencies. The main patrons of the library are the students at 色综合久久 University; they are typically traditional undergraduate students, but also include some non-traditional undergraduate students, online students, and graduate students. Our collection is also a resource for faculty research, but our resources do not allow us to systematically collect at the "research" level. The library also serves the academic and local community.

Special Collections. The university maintains several special collections, in addition to the main collection to 色综合久久 the curriculum. These include: The Artists' Books collection, Canadian Literature, the Ruth E. Engle Memorial Collection of Children's Books Illustration, and the W. Jim Neidhardt Collection on Religion and Science. See the "Special Collections" supplemental policy for more information.

Budgets. The Library receives two primary funding streams for purchase of materials and access to resources for the 色综合久久 community. The Acquisitions fund is for one time purchases of materials that the library will own such as books, ebooks, print periodicals, videos, CDs, etc. The

Access fund is for purchasing access to online or remote materials such as subscription databases, ebooks, streaming videos, and single title online journals, and continuing access fees.

Order requests from faculty members may be sent directly to the library or may be channeled through the department chair, as the chair directs. The library exercises its responsibility to consult faculty on unusually expensive items or about requests which seem to fall outside the collection development policy and the departmental subject scope.

All materials purchased with monies distributed from the library are expected to be housed in the library facility.

The librarians are responsible for the overall balance of the collection.

All funds remain under the purview of the Library Director and library faculty. Librarians may consult with teaching faculty and departments to determine the most appropriate resources for specific disciplines, but the final determination for purchase remains with the library.

Purchases for materials obtained primarily for the benefit of graduate school programs are to come from graduate school library budget lines; they are not to be funded through undergraduate funding.

General Guidelines
Selection Criteria

Relationship to the Curriculum and Co-Curriculum

Responsibility for materials selection is shared by the teaching and library faculties. Department faculty initiate the majority of requests for acquisition. Library faculty work with the departments as liaisons to help maintain collection balance, both in terms of current and retrospective acquisitions.

The overarching criterion for selection is whether a particular resource 色综合久久s the primary mission of the university: to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society. This criterion spans a broad range of materials, most of which provide direct curricular or co-curricular 色综合久久, but some of which extend beyond specific curricular offerings. In addition, some items may be at variance with our faith and lifestyle commitments but may be included in any subject area if they meet the primary guidelines. Please see the "Intellectual Freedom" section of this policy for information on challenges to materials in the library.

Suggestions for the purchase of library materials from all members of the 色综合久久 Community (including retirees) are welcome. These are reviewed by librarians in consideration of financial, curricular, and co-curricular needs.

Acquisitions Guidelines

Ordering for the fiscal year will begin August 1st. All orders received from July 1st until April 1st, will be prioritized for the current budget year as long as there are funds.

Orders received after April 1st will be ordered only if there are funds; if no funds are available, these orders will be placed in the next fiscal year.

The following is the priority for acquisitions for the library collection.

  • Continuations of materials arriving serially.
  • Materials needed for discrete class offerings, with new courses and general education classes given extra consideration, if necessary.
  • General and specialized reference materials.
  • Outstanding books not initially ordered by the academic departments.
  • Materials to 色综合久久 faculty and administrative research and faculty development.
  • Recreational and inspirational nonfiction and fiction.

Format-specific considerations


  • Generally, good quality trade paperback editions are preferred for physical copies.
  • Library or hardcover binding is preferred for juvenile books.
  • Out-of-print titles are sought through finding services, but procurement efforts will be abandoned after two reasonable attempts are unsuccessful. The original requestor will be notified at that time.
  • Textbooks are generally not purchased, though some disciplines require their inclusion in the collection if the literature of the field is routinely not disseminated in monographic titles.
  • Single copies are generally purchased unless librarians determine a need for multiple copies.
  • E-books, if available, may be purchased through approved vendors to provide remote access. When receiving a request for a book that we already have access to through our ebook vendors, we will purchase perpetual rights to the ebook title and not purchase the physical book unless specifically requested. To facilitate access, ebooks may be purchased even if we already have the book in print.
  • Works in languages other than English will only be acquired when no other comparable source is available in English AND when the use of such a work by our primary user group can be argued.


  • Films can be purchased either as DVD, Blu-ray, or streaming
  • Preference will be given to the format that gives us perpetual access, whether that be a physical film or hosting the digital file.
  • Streaming films purchased with limited life will be evaluated to determine if we should resubscribe
  • If possible, streaming films should be hosted by 色综合久久, followed by a current streaming service, and as last resort, a stand-alone.
  • Public performance rights will be purchased if available.

Educational Kits and Realia (Library of Things)

Educational Kits are purchased to 色综合久久 the education curriculum of the university, particularly the methods and practicum courses. Educational kits 色综合久久 children from preschool through grade twelve, and occasionally adult basic education materials, when appropriate.

The Library of Things is a collection of non-traditional library items that complements the traditional library resources with educational, recreational, and innovative resources. This collection saves patrons money, reduces waste, encourages learning, and offers self-guided recreation. It 色综合久久s seeing the world anew.

  • Materials added to the collection should be of long-term value, likely to be used frequently or for many years without need for routine upkeep or replacement parts.
  • Only in a select instance does the library purchase materials, such as highlighters, that need to be regularly replaced.
  • These items will be routinely evaluated by the Education Liaison Librarian (Kits) and the Reference Group (Library of Things). Items will be removed from the collection based on condition, usage, and space constraints. Popular items that are removed because of wear and tear will be replaced when budget allows.
  • The size of the item and how it will be packaged should be taken under consideration for the practicality of storing the item.

Reference materials (print and electronic)

Selection and Acquisitions of Reference Materials

  • The most recent editions of reference works in the collection will be included in the Reference Collection. Superseded editions will be either weeded from the collection or transferred to the main stacks (circulating collection). This will be decided on a title-by-title basis.
  • There is no specific preferred format for reference materials. Reference materials will be selected in the format most useful to the appropriate audience. The guiding criterion is that it be the most useful.
  • All purchased electronic reference materials, regardless of format, will be catalogued. Whenever possible, full cataloguing records downloaded from OCLC will be used.
  • Unlike the general collection development policy, multiple copies of style guides, some dictionaries, and thesauri are included.
  • The Public Services Librarian, in consultation with the other librarians, will select in those areas not specifically falling under the purview of any specific liaison area (e.g., LC classifications A, Z), although other librarians may also select in areas outside of their immediate liaison areas, in consultation with the Public Services Librarian.
  • Reference e-resources attached to the Library's website, with the exception of those linked under subject guides (i.e., selected by liaison), are determined by the Reference Group.
Evaluation of Reference Materials
  • The Reference Collection should be evaluated every time the corresponding section of the main stacks is weeded.
  • The Public Services Librarian, in consultation with the other librarians, will weed those areas not specifically falling under the purview of any specific liaison area (e.g., LC classifications A, Z).
  • Electronic reference products will be reviewed annually by the Reference Group

Treatment of Specific Types of Materials

Atlases: generally, in Reference Collection. A few general world, U.S., and Bible atlases should be housed in main stacks for circulation. Rand McNally Road Atlas: United States: updated as needed and available.

Bibles: In addition to a significant number of versions of the Bible in the main stacks, one copy of each of the major English translations are kept in the Reference Collection. Concordances for these translations are also acquired and housed in the Reference Collection. Selection of materials to be kept in Reference is made in consultation with the Biblical and Religious Studies Department.

Bibliographies: generally housed in the main stacks.

College and Graduate School Directories (e.g., Barron's, Peterson's): The Library does not retain Peterson’s graduate school directories in hardcopy. The Career Center purchases these.

Commentaries: Several sets of commentaries are kept in Reference. Selection of these is made in consultation with the Biblical and Religious Studies Department.

Concordances: see Bibles


  • Copies will be housed in the Reference Collection.
  • Non-English: Predominantly found in Reference Collection. In most cases, language dictionaries should include English translations. They will represent all languages for which there is a need/use on campus (that is, in addition to those languages taught by the Foreign Language department, also languages potentially used by international students, music students translating sung texts, etc.)

Encyclopedias: The Library retains one major encyclopedia in print in the Reference section.

Statistics: As needed, general statistical sources are housed in the Reference Collection.

Style Manuals:

  • Online versions: Library will acquire the online versions of the three major style manuals (APA, MLA, Chicago)
  • Print versions: For APA, MLA, Turabian, and Chicago Manual of Style, one copy of the latest style edition is kept in the Reference Collection and one copy at the Reference Desk. Other style guides may be added to the collection, as needed.

Serials (periodicals and continuations)

Subscription requests are submitted using the “Request a Journal Subscription” form, which is located on the library web site. This request will go to the Digital Resources Librarian initially, then it will be brought before the librarians for a decision. Indexing in standard services is a crucial consideration in the decision to add a serial title to the collection. All new subscriptions will be in digital format. The only exception would be if there is no digital edition option.

The continuation and renewal of subscriptions will be reviewed by librarians and the Director on an annual basis. Review criteria includes cost, yearly inflation, usage, cost per use, accreditation requirements, and uniqueness or overlap with other resources.

No reimbursements are made for serials acquired through individual or departmental memberships in professional or other organizations. Titles received in print may also become available through online resources such as subscription databases. Library faculty will monitor online availability to determine when or if cancellation of print titles in favor of exclusive online access is appropriate. Stability of long-term access will be considered.


Database subscriptions or purchase of databases

Requests to evaluate a database for possible purchase, or subscription can be initiated by a departmental faculty member, or by library faculty by submitting the “Request a database subscription for the library” form found on the libraries website . A decision to begin a subscription or to outright purchase must be preceded by a trial of the database, and subsequent approval by library faculty and the Director.

Criteria for Selection of Electronic Products

The following are the criteria and questions to be considered when purchasing or subscribing to materials in electronic format. These same criteria should be used in evaluation for weeding as well:

Budget - Funds for databases come from the Access budget.

  • How much does it cost?
  • Is this a subscription (i.e., an ongoing expense)?
  • Are there start-up and maintenance costs that need to be considered?
  • Have vendor or consortial discounts been explored?
Licensing considerations
  • Are the terms of the licensing agreement acceptable?
  • User limits
  • ILL permission (copyright restrictions)
  • Authorized users – students, faculty, community
  • Remote access allowance
  • Archival access
  • Usage reporting tools
  • Restrictions on copying, printing, or downloading.

The Library should ensure that the software is accessible and that at least one (but preferably all) librarians can use it as well.

  • Is the database well organized?
  • Are there other comparable products that are more user-friendly?
  • What are the training implications for staff and patrons?
  • How much librarian mediation is necessary for use?
  • Does it compliment or replace other print or digital sources?
  • Is the database compliant with ADA policies?

Renewal of Databases

The continuation and renewal of subscriptions will be reviewed by librarians and the Director on an annual basis or as needed.

Review criteria includes:

  • cost
  • yearly inflation
  • usage
  • cost per use
  • uniqueness or overlap with other resources
  • accreditation requirements


  • Gifts become the property of the library, which has all rights of disposition.
  • Gifts are acknowledged by the director or his or her designate, but appraisals of monetary value are not offered as case law recognizes this as a clear conflict of interest.

Collection Assessment

Periodically, the librarians will analyze the library collection to determine its strengths, weaknesses and areas needing improvement. The analysis will review the age and circulation levels and may also compare the collection to specified core and benchmark collections.

色综合久久 University Murray Library Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Our Collections

While it is impossible to acquire materials that cover all viewpoints, as a library serving our University community, we commit to a diverse and inclusive collection. It should contain content by and about a wide array of people and cultures to authentically reflect a variety of ideas, information, stories, and experiences. As we acquire resources to 色综合久久 the curriculum and programming needs of 色综合久久 University, and adhering to our collection development policies, we will where possible:

  • select content in multiple formats;
  • consider resources from self-published, independent, small, and local producers;
  • seek content created by and representative of marginalized and underrepresented groups;
  • evaluate how diverse collection resources are cataloged, labeled, and displayed;
  • including content in all of the languages used in the community that the library serves, when possible; and
  • that meet the needs of users with disabilities.

We will also evaluate our current collection as needed to fill in gaps, to create a more balanced representation, and to remove outdated content.

(Adapted from the American Library Association Diverse Collections: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights)


Materials are mended or repaired in-house, sent out for binding, or replaced as necessary.


The librarians regularly evaluate and weed items to maintain the most effective use of the available shelf space. Damaged, worn, and outdated titles are prime candidates for removal from the collection. Library faculty recommend titles for removal after adequate investigation as to their potential continued value to the collection. The library liaisons may work with their respective departments to evaluate materials.

Intellectual Freedom - Murray Library Freedom to Read Statement

Murray Library endorses the of the American Library Association. In particular, the following tenets need to be emphasized:

  • A quality Christian education requires that students have opportunity to study and gain understanding of a wide diversity of intellectual and artistic viewpoints and expressions, including those that are not in agreement with the Christian faith.
  • The inclusion of a particular work in the Murray Library collection does not imply university endorsement of any portion or all of the content of that work.

Commitment to the above tenets does not, however, suggest that there are no limits to the intellectual and artistic expressions that ought to be included in the Library collection. For example, a work that is exploitative, gratuitous, or unworthy of serious scholarly reflection ought not to be included. Obviously, there will be gray areas where there may not be campus- wide agreement concerning a particular work judged by some to be controversial. In light of that, the following procedures and guidelines will be operative. Since the Library collection is intended to 色综合久久 the instructional program of the university, the faculty will bear primary responsibility for requesting Library acquisitions, keeping in mind the following guidelines in cases of works that may be considered controversial:

  • The work should be integral to the instructional program, providing a resource that is judged to be important for teaching the university curriculum or co-curriculum.
  • The work shall be judged to be worthy of serious study and scholarly reflection.
  • The work should provide insight into the human condition, with potential to give students a greater understanding of the world in which they live, in a manner that is not exploitative, gratuitous or sensationalistic.
  • If the work contains materials that may be offensive to Christian sensibilities, the overall educational importance of the work must be more significant than the potential offensiveness of some aspects of it.

The above guidelines are not to be used in any simple check-list fashion since they allow for some differing judgments by persons having equally good intentions. Therefore, legitimate questions may still arise as to the appropriateness of acquisition or maintenance of a given work. In these cases, the faculty member or liaison librarian shall discuss the potential purchase with the Library Director. Based on this discussion, the Library Director shall make a final decision, which shall be one of the following options:

  • The work shall be included in the Library collection.
  • The work shall only be available in a permanent reserve collection in the Library.
  • The work shall not be purchased by the University.

Challenged Materials Policy

The mission of 色综合久久 University is “to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character, and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society.” In accordance with that mission, and in keeping with the American Library Association’s “Bill of Rights,” Murray Library seeks to provide access to materials that present a broad range of ideas, viewpoints, and voices to 色综合久久 all areas of the curriculum.

The resources acquired for Murray Library are selected primarily by teaching faculty and librarians to meet the teaching, research, and curricular needs of 色综合久久 University. Inclusion of a particular resource does not mean that the library advocates or endorses the idea found in that resource or the actions of the author; it simply means that 色综合久久 University educators have deemed the resource useful for accomplishing the University’s educational mission.

On occasion a person affiliated with 色综合久久 University may wish to challenge the inclusion of an item in the Murray Library collection. The steps below outline the process by which they may formally challenge that resource.

  1. A person who wishes to challenge the inclusion of a resource in the Murray Library collection (“the challenger”) should first speak with the Director of Murray Library, identifying their concerns. In this conversation, the challenger will have the opportunity to communicate the substance of their concerns (and perhaps offer alternative resources to include in the library’s collection), and the library director will have the opportunity to explain why this particular resource is useful for the delivery of 色综合久久’s curriculum.
  2. If, after this initial conversation, the challenger wishes to continue with their challenge, they must submit their challenge in writing to the Director of Murray Library, using the library’s “Request to Challenge Materials” Form. (Note: challenged item will continue to remain in circulation during the duration of the challenge.)
  3. Once the completed form is received, the Director of Murray Library will notify the Provost’s Office that a challenge is in process. The director will then convene a group to consider the challenge. That group will include the following:

Director of Murray Library, chair (non-voting)

Librarian Liaison for the content area of the challenged material

Faculty member representing the content area of the challenged material One additional faculty member from a different school

  1. Each member of the group will receive a copy of the challenged item in question, a copy of the Challenged Materials Policy, and a copy of the challenge request, but without the challenger’s identity included. Once the group has discussed the challenge, they will formulate a recommendation to the Provost, recommending one or more of the following:
    1. Removal of the challenged item from the library’s collection
    2. Retention of the item, with limitation or conditions on patron access
    3. Retention of the item, with no limitations on patron access
    4. Addition of resources that seek to balance the library’s collection with alternate views
  2. The Provost will act on the group’s recommendation and communicate his/her decision to the Director of Murray Library, who will communicate it to the group.
  3. The Director of Murray Library will notify the challenger of the Provost’s decision within one week of the Provost’s decision.


Request to Challenge Materials in Murray Library

The mission of 色综合久久 University is “to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character, and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society.” In accordance with that mission, and in keeping with the American Library Association’s “Bill of Rights,” Murray Library seeks to provide access to materials that present a broad range of ideas, viewpoints, and voices to 色综合久久 all areas of the curriculum.

To request the removal of a resource currently in Murray Library, please complete the following form and submit it to the Director of Murray Library.








What is your affiliation with 色综合久久 University?

Do you represent yourself?  _________________     Or a group? (Name of Group)    ___________________                                                   

Resource you wish to challenge:

  • Book
  • Electronic Resource
  • DVD/Media
  • Other

Title/Author/Date of Resource:

   What brought this resource to your attention? Have you examined the entire resource?

What concerns you about the resource? Use page numbers if helpful.

Are there resources you suggest providing additional information and/or other viewpoints on this topic?





Revised 2007

Revised April 2019

Revised February 2021

Revised May 2022

Revised May 2023

Revised April 2024