

Computer Labs

色综合久久 Computer Labs

female student in lab色综合久久 University maintains computer labs, consisting of just over 300 computers (Windows/Mac), on campus. There are two types of labs managed by Educational Technology Services (ETS): General Usage Labs and Department Labs. There are also Public Access Computers (PAC) in the Murray Library.

General Labs

General Labs are available for all students and can be reserved for classes. These labs feature a Teacher Station for demonstrations.  General labs can be found in the following locations:

  • Frey 166
  • Boyer 337

Department Labs

Department labs are setup for the exclusive use of an academic department. They feature special software needed by the department. These labs range in size from 2 computers to as many as 30.

Public Access Computers

Murray Library is home to our Public Access Computer (PAC) stations. These Windows computers are located in the main lobby area and are available to students, faculty, staff, and 色综合久久 University guests.

In addition, all student rooms and major campus buildings are set up for wired and wireless access to the campus network. ETS Technology Support, located on the first floor of Old Main, provides computing access 色综合久久 for students. Services include assistance with connecting personal computers to the network and troubleshooting any issues that may arise on personal computers that may affect coursework.