

Chapel policies

General Etiquette

A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference. ~ Winnie the Pooh


We want chapel to be a welcoming space for students to learn and connect with God. A few things you should know about the chapel attendance policy and helpful etiquette for the benefit of all:

  • Chapel begins promptly at the advertised start time. Doors will be closed five minutes into the service. Students will not be allowed entrance after that time.
  • Sitting along the walls is a fire hazard. Students are asked to find a chair in which to sit during the service. If you have trouble finding a seat, ask a student worker at the door.
  • Show consideration to those leading and to those sitting around you. Turn off your devices and put your homework away.
  • Should a trip to the restroom be necessary during chapel, be prepared to leave your ID with the student card reader at the door in order to be granted re-entrance.