

Brethern in Christ Archives

The Archives of the Brethren in Christ Church is the official home for records generated by boards, agencies, and institutions of the denomination. The collection contains approximately 618 lineal feet of material, including minutes and other materials related to the work and operations of the originating body. Some records, because of their sensitive nature, may be restricted from public use.

Record groups within this collection include:

  • Records of the Brethren in Christ Church - General Conference
  • Records of Regional Conferences
  • Records of District, State and Joint Councils
  • Records of Congregations
  • Records of Church Institutions and Related Ministries

The Archives of the Brethren in Christ Church also contains limited material from related denominations, the Old Order River Brethren and the United Zion Church.

Individuals interested in doing research in any of these record groups should contact the archivist.