

4x4s - First Wave, Week 3

4x4s - First Wave, Week 3

  • Date: October 10th, 2024
  • Location: Various Locations
  • Time: 9:30am - 10:15am
  • Cost: Free

Descriptions for 4x4 series can be found on our Thursday morning chapel page.


Collaboratory  [Bryce Watkins - Frey 070]  *8 weeks

AROMA  [Rodrigo de Mendoza Barrera - Hitchcock Arena]  *8 weeks

The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics  [Kim & Kelly Phipps - Boyer 130]

Humble Beginnings: Energy, Attention, and Time (E.A.T.) as the Active Ingredients of Spiritual and Psychological Growth  [John Goddard - Boyer 271]

MAP: Restoring the Roots of our Sexual Brokenness, reserved for male students  [Mike Blount - Loft Great Room]

Creativity as a Calling  [Ryan Rickrode - Boyer 277]

Politics in the Bible  [Julia Wittel - Hostetter 113]  *8 weeks

Immerse: Prophets  [Emily Bingham & Brian Smith - Boyer 235]  *8 weeks

Leading and Serving in the Local Church  [Andy Babyak - Frey 150]  *8 weeks

The Proverbs 31 Woman: Who is She Really?, reserved for female students  [Lauren Babyak - Boyer 231]

It's the Green Flags for Me ..., reserved for new students  [Emma Dougherty - Boyer 131]  *7 weeks

Skillful Hands, Integrity of Heart, reserved for members of the Worship Community  [Doug Curry - Hostetter 120]

The Chosen  [Leader TBD - Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)]  *8 weeks

Finding Treasures in the Book of Ruth  [Allyson Patton - Boyer 322]

Spiritual Leadership  [Joshua Sanders - Boyer 274]

A City on a Hill: Serving and Loving as the Salt and Light of the World  [Shardé Hardy - Jordan-Kline Atrium (Jordan 152)]

Jesus and Justice  [Paula Holtzinger & Human Rights Awareness - Jordan 159]