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Federal Direct Sub Stafford Loan"Federal Direct Unsub Stafford LoansYour actual bill will be provided to you from our Student Financial Services Office in mid July and is the official&calculation of what you need to pay. ftuition and fees will be the same for most students. Room and meals will vary depending upon the plan Provost Scholarship Pell Grant - 1.057% fee)ɫۺϾþ University GrantnThis will be your approximate bill from the university. Books, supplies, personal, and travel expenses are inmThe most common forms of aid are listed below. Please adjust or add items to fit your financial aid package.Anticipated student employment wages are not included in Total B; these must be earned and are not deducted from the bill at the beginning of the add additional itemYou can use the 'add additional items' lines to put in other institutional or outside scholarships, grants or loans you know you will receive.# (includes net amount of loans) (Total B)sThis is the approximate amount you will need to pay for the entire year after your financial aid has been applied. 8G pThis is the approximate amount you will need to pay for one semester after your financial aid has been applied. 8D (Total A)One Semester Out of Pocket CostEntire Year Out of Pocket Cost(Out of Pocket Cost) (Total Costs)5Add any additional costs that you know you will have.9(Total A) jThis worksheet is an estimate of what you will need to pay for the academic year after your financial aid package from ɫۺϾþ University is applied. We are presenting this calculation to help you understand approximately how much you will need to pay from your own resources or through additional student loans. Again, this calculation is only an estimate. :PA State Grant3Stafford Loan amounts are first year student level.lThis calculation is not your bill from ɫۺϾþ University and should not be viewed as equivalent to a bill.! lthe year. Personal and travel expenses vary widely depending upon personal habits and how far away you live.<Housing (double room) =Food (full meal plan) /This worksheet is for the 2025-26 Academic Year2025-26 Year Costse* $350 is the Student Activity Fee and $690 is the Student Services Fee. You might have other fees orkaddition to these charges. For a First-Year student, books and supplies could range from $500 to $1,330 forB5G G*II8KMyNO%R ccB T8 CXuY  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M \\PSERVER\Toshiba-Anywhere+S odXXLetterPRIV0''''(\KhC, SMTJTOSHIBA SMTJ(BEWF,RuUU4o8jYUUEu8eUUs RUU?vy7ddUUBor*<#uUUlUU.ޛ_xhUUzl2_UUeCb|?UUѫ 8?QFaUUἮ@<I1 mUUqk@TrueUUdYAjYUU4@AK!UU¸0.A=-5jUU>YAQFaUU$G8VB=-5jUU1fBc #00808080UUL6pBTB%UUAJBCZUU9ɼ)CgULUU4CjYUUd ZDUUaFdq)UU@JUUu\&SL 5UU[Ra^LMUUYlM000UU1NMxhUUgfN/|UUi4NQFaUU%N3LpUU6pNQFaUU,RjYUUNX=SxhUUodVihUUGbWUU3@QXQFaUU'*XQFaUUi)YUUE [UU[=-5jUUZrj[=-5jUU,3\AutoUU8}\UÛ`B^UU"L[4u^QFaUUY_=-5jUUk_UU*`QFaUU\BaQFaUUeaUUaUUZSXbUU NBcvKUU!*ccRegularUU*]d=-5jUUY e=-5jUUϩϟfjYUU!."gUU9UgUUA1gjYUU_BhjYUU=i*<#uUUP l2/UUDNJjm^-1UU~TtnQFaUU_^l$o=-5jUUaixKFoEw {UUDIojYUU'moUU .p 5UU[p=-5jUU\DqUUpe|sQFaUUkʱs-UUvFUUO"wUUÞw=-5jUUhxt:UUsb|vFalseUUdk~QFaUU[J.UUUU ]=-5jUU8{QFaUUjYUU}ZxhUUރUUpUU[_ddUU"%UUv߈UUax=UUغ]iUUi=-5jUUeB)UU,4j=-5jUUkjΰUUuBUUONoneUUWUU@[QFaUUoUU'E>L&{6D0E47BF-77E6-48DE-AF78-A08B76E2FDBF}UUL O0̎=-5jUUc~hF܂UU![UUyԓ=-5jUU\-jYUU4peŸQFaUU>UU9ki̕UU0IQFaUUfQFaUUX ֗T$#$IDS_IMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT_GENERAL;UUrUU$ک=-5jUUAۘUUA,+rcmb_DefMenSet_tab_basicUUAٜ+UUO53 rh?UUZڈFUUpY戦K- )+UU{uQFaUU4QFaUU;=-5jUUčUUfUUΦ0mUUI<NQFaUUu3LpUU=nP>qUU=6x:C:\Users\Administrator\TOSHIBA\eSTUDIOX\PSCRIPT\tandem.xmlUUtA=-5jUU5UU/%gfNUU3.31tUUjYUUInCZUUg4" 5UUUU#|UUfFwp@UUӇ^QFa< "dXX??&U} } } t }  } }  } E }  C0, 6@ h    """" ,T v8wwwwwxx w , z{ {|}, 1*VVVV,VVVV,VVVV,VVVV,VVVV 4* VVVVVVVVVVVV, VVVVVVVVVVVV ~* XXXXXXXYVVVV * [[[[[[[\VVVV,  *]]]]]]]^ *_______` *aaaaaaab,  A BB C   D EE~ F@   D EE~ F@@   D6 EE~ F@   G7 EE~ FW@   H @EI V/ k9 J0 KK#L @3 %! , ~:*]]]]]]]^ *aaaaaaab, * "*]]]]]]]]]]]^ %*___________`D lR0R0<0000<0<<0<<<0\\\\\\0<<0<< !"#$%&'()*+,- .,/0^ 1,2"364@5@6@7"8@9@:@;@<@=>? #* ___________` !*!aaaaaaaaaaab," # #A #BB #C # $ $G $EE $M $VV % %G &%EEN & &G&EEN && & &  ' 'c2&'KKd ( (e$ (SE (M ( ) )O$&)PEN * *O$&*PEN + +f$ +TK +g + , ,D ,EE.,N(\@.D,D,b? ,~ ,X@ ,, , W3, ]]]^ - -Q -@@.-R= ףp@,D-D-b? -~ -@@ -- - Z- aaab. . .J' .KK#.L ףpA@3 %$- . . &. ,/ 0*01 1h 1 2,*2i]]]]]j]]]]]]]]]^3 3k*3m @-D 3n 3l'3m ףpA@7D. 3_"3oQ@ D3D3 3U(3 ________` 4a 4s. 4aa 4t 4a 4p-4aaaaaaaaab,5 6+*6ii]]]]]]]]]]]]]]^7 7q7m @7 D3 7r7_ 7m ףpA@7 D3 7r"7oQ@3 D7D7 7U)7 ________` 8a 8u. 8aa 8t 8a 8p-8aaaaaaaaab,9 :~!*:]]]]]]]^ ;y;*;_______` <5*<aaaaaaab,=,>,?D~ l<<0\\FpF\FF\0<F<p0<p0<<<00@A B,@,A (00> @  7ggD Oh+'0HP\t ITSGearhart, GregMicrosoft Excel@Z~K@ʳ@a54@ ՜.+,0 PXp x ɫۺϾþ College Sheet1  Worksheets  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ[\]^Root Entry FWorkbookۜSummaryInformation(ODocumentSummaryInformation8W