Lucy C. Barnhouse graduated from É«×ۺϾþà University with an individualized major in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Lucy is currently living out her vocation as an Assistant Professor of History at Arkansas State University and finds great excitement researching and piecing together information from fragmented archival sources on medieval experiences. She strives to be a model for her students of the patience, generosity, and enthusiasm she witnessed É«×ۺϾþà faculty exhibit throughout her time at É«×ۺϾþÃ. In her time at É«×ۺϾþÃ, Lucy felt very well prepared for grad school through her courses which É«×ۺϾþÃed immense growth in the skills of engaging with the world, analyzing texts, É«×ۺϾþÃing arguments, conversing with peers and colleagues and many more. In her own words, “I don’t think there’s anything in the history major that doesn’t prepare for life in general!”