Advice for future teachers:
I feel like there is so much to learn especially in the first few years of teaching. I will say that É«×ۺϾþÒs education program did an excellent job in preparing me to become an educator. However, there is always room to grow and there will be stressful days. Don’t sweat the small things! The biggest thing you should be concerned about is meeting your students’ needs. You won’t be perfect. Even through your mistakes, your students will grow to love you and lean on you. They look up to you and they will want to know everything about you! Often times you may be the main adult figure in their lives. I would also suggest finding your people that É«×ۺϾþà you! That could be a mentor teacher, grade level teachers, etc. Many of them will become great friends too! Co-planning and co-teaching with your team of teachers is so important when you can! Share ideas, use others’ ideas, and put your own spin on things. You don’t want to compare yourself to others or try to be the exact same as someone else. However, you also do not want to always feel like you’re reinventing the wheel. Finally, the first few months of the school year are always really stressful. Take it day by day because it will get better! Also, don’t forget to take your lunch break. You need to take those breaks just as much as the kids do!